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USA, the country which has experimented with democracy for more than 200 years is strong economically as well as culturally today with the base being the immigrants.

Global Edge:
The United States has more institutions of higher education than any other country, but despite the numbers it is the quality of education provided by these academic bodies which is acknowledged worldwide. The teaching forces of these institutions are leading authorities in their respective fields. The quality of the research program along with the resources available and the faculty ensures that the institutions have high standards.

More than 4000 institutions offer undergraduate, masters and doctorate degrees in many different specializations. The USA education system has strong academic and social environment which fosters academic, professional and personal development of individuals.
Financial Assistance

The education definitely falls in the category of value for your money. USA education is the best investment for the future. A wide spectrum of tuition fees, accommodation options and financial help from the institutions in the form of scholarships, fee waivers, aid etc. makes USA education affordable.

Technology and Research:
USA is known for its latest technologies and advancement which gives the student a very good chance to make his/her future in these fields. USA has always been a hub of inventions. Students therefore have firsthand knowledge about cutting edge technologies coupled with excellent research opportunities.

The USA education system is flexible in terms of choice of courses within a college or university. During the course of study, a student can transfer from one course/stream to another or one institution to another. This aspect of the USA education system makes it distinct from other countries.

International students from all over the world choose to study in the USA because an American education is the best preparation for their future. It becomes all the more within your means with financial aid, scholarships and assistant ships on hand. At the same time students are allowed to work 20hr/week during their course and 40hr/week during vacation which helps them to earn and learn.

Top Ranking Institution:
Amongst the top ranking colleges world-wide, majority of them are in USA. These colleges and universities rank high in world rankings because of their infrastructure, technological advancement and top quality of education provided by them.

Professional Approach:
The best approach of the USA education system is that it allows one to learn and earn. This not only gives one, a thorough knowledge of the subjects, but also teaches one to have a practical and professional approach. It gives better growth prospects worldwide.